ep.lgb.hu :: Enterprise-128 EXOS file analyzer, lister and disassembler

This software can be used to analyze, list and disassemble Enterprise-128 EXOS files (or EXOS_ROM / raw binary files/images) on a PC. This means IS-BASIC, IS-FORTH, WP and ML programs.
It includes the character set conversion to UTF-8, the possibility to turn on "hex debug", and "info mode" and to choose between text or html output.
The script itself can also dump its internal "database" (conversion DB) so you can examine basic tokens and the character set(s) used on the Enterprise and other internal informations (Z80 opcode table, EXOS functions, EXOS file types, I/O ports, etc).
The name "EPBAS" came from the original functionality: list IS-BASIC programs, and nothing more.

Download, usage, documentation

Internal DB dumps

These modes are not about the conversion, but to show internal information used by the software. You can read the actual command line after the examples was used to generate these files. These information can be even useful for other projects without any dependency on this one.

Example outputs

Example outputs. You can read the actual command line after the examples was used to generate these files. The first IS-BASIC examples shows many different modes to display a BASIC program, later examples focuses only on the "most used" mode suitable for the web (you may want to use text mode if you need the output to work with, though).

Any help/feedback is welcome!

©2012,2013 "LGB" Gábor Lénárt (lgb at-sign lgb dot hu)